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Schemix is a Scheme system, implemented as a patch to the Linux kernel. It aims to attain R5RS compliance while remaining small, fast and easy to understand.

The intended use of Schemix is for exploration of the Linux kernel and for rapid, interactive prototyping of Linux drivers and other new kernel features. To achieve this, Schemix will attempt to make a large subset of the kernel functionality available to Scheme programs. Interactivity is via a character device, /dev/schemix which presents a REPL (Read, Eval, Print Loop) to anyone having access to the device.

Schemix is based on a stripped-down and modified version of TinyScheme. Currently the system can be successfully compiled into a 2.4.x or 2.5.x kernel, which then reads and executes Scheme code from /dev/schemix. Any output is written to /dev/schemix.

For further details of Schemix, please look here.